This episode is from a recent journey I did with my shamanic energy medicine students, where you meet the Norse Dark Goddess Ran.

Ran will guide you on a very healing journey, and she also takes you through a soul retrieval process, where you connect with the light-filled essence of who you truly are.

You will also meet the Norse Dark Goddess Hel, who helps you to become more whole, as she is a portal of life, death and rebirth. 

You’ll also meet the Norse goddess Freya, who is a powerful healer, witch, high priestess and the First Völva, which is a female shaman in the Norse tradition. Freya represents the light in our soul – so she is the essence of our light-filled magic, feminine wisdom and power.

I first go through a talk, which gives you the map of the journey (please make sure you listen to the talk first, it is only 9 minutes long). And then the journey is around 50 minutes – and it is a very deep shamanic journey, deep into the landscape of your soul.

PS. If you want to journey more with the powerful Norse goddesses, then why not join me on my new online course Shamanic Journey with the Divine Mothers of Darkness & Light. You can read more about it here.

PPS. The Norse scholar Maria Kvilhaug has written an amazing book called The Seed of Yggdrasil, and she is a master in decoding the Norse myths, so I warmly recommend you get her book.