We live in a world where, when we look through our physical eyes, we constantly see proof for why we can’t forgive, and this keeps us stuck in a dark world, where we see only the past. 

But when we let Spirit guide our vision, so we see through our spiritual eyes, then we start to recognise that our function here is to be the light, so we can shine our light into this world, and in this way help to uplift the world we live in. 

And when you become an uplifter, you’ll naturally be happy, as you are then being who you truly are – YOU ARE THE LIGHT! 

And you can know whether you are extending your light, or blocking it, by asking yourself the following questions before you make any decision: 

·      Will this lead to happiness or unhappiness? 

·      Will this be in alignment with my soul or my ego? 

·      Will this be extending my light, or will it block my light?

In the latest podcast episode I’ll be sharing more on this topic, plus take you through a guided meditation where you connect more fully with your inner light.