Marc gets the lowdown from Mike about everything VOLTRON that happened at the Wizard World St. Louis Comic Con, including two panels and a booth, hosted by World Events Productions.

Mike goes into great detail about the process of setting up the booth on the convention floor, and what products were available to Voltron fans, including the opening of the Toynami 30th Anniversary Voltron for the first time! Mike also let us know what types of questions fans had when they came by the WEP booth.

Marc asks Mike to take us through both of the panels. Saturday's panel was the 30th Anniversary Celebration panel which was kicked off with a special new 30th Anniversary Voltron Compilation video, edited by our own Michael French. That really got the fans going! Watch the video here.

As fans lined up to ask questions at the panel, the first question was about the live-action movie, which was also a common question at the Voltron booth. Mike and Marc talk about this at length during the podcast.

There were many products that were mentioned during the panel, including the Toynami 30th Anniversary Voltron, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Hockey Jerseys, and more, and even products that didn't make the cut, like the Voltron Form Blazing Sword Boxer Shorts.

Also debuting for the first time ever was the Let's Voltron Podcast trailer, made by our own Marc Morrell. Fan response was great, and people were given postcards at the WEP booth, similar to the cards that were sent to some of the people that have participated in the podcast. Watch the Let's Voltron trailer.

We had talked during the podcast about making the Pop Culture Video available as a link on this notes page, but that video is something that will only be shown as an exclusive for Voltron Panels at the conventions. So, if you want to see that, you should try to make your way to either San Diego Comic Con in July or New York Comic Con in October.

Michael also talked about the Kids Panel that was geared to the younger Voltron fans on Sunday.

Once again, thanks for listening!