When we say win - there must be a prize. If there is a prize it's up for grab by anyone participating in the race. The prize could be a job, a business success, a movie's success, championship in sports - many things. Prize = money. When it involves money and people it's transaction. So basically once you decided to win a prize you are fighting to grab someone's money & attention. In sports, in movies, in business, in job, everywhere when we want to win - we can't simply apply puritan logic of it's my skill with which I am winning. Whether its art or science or sport only when someone is willing to pay their money and attention will you be able to win a prize. It's your skill in display and use. However it's the payment in the currency of money or attention or time that makes your skill worth the money. That's when you win a prize.

With that understanding in mind - how do women win in a men's world. In this episode, episode # 18, how to win in men's world,  first we'll explore how things are and then figure out how or what we should do to win!