In S2 | Ep 15, our guest Jon Purkey (Nexus KC) shared this statement, which is echoing through a variety of issues confronting our culture right now, especially about identity: “People are trying to invent truth. You can’t create Truth. You just discover it.” Currently we see a blinking red light around the issue of identity, whether that be sexual identity, vocational identity, spiritual identity. In today's episode we welcome guest Susan Vandenheuvel (She Rises MN) to offer some insight on how to ground ourselves in the identity we have been given by Christ. And then how to lead others to do the same.
Susan Vandenheuvel is a speaker, mentor, five-time author, and pastor who has filled various roles within her church and community, including the federal and state prison settings. She is also the creator and founder of She Rises MN and hosts an annual women’s conference. Susan’s story of redemption has helped many find hope, healing, freedom, and the unfailing love of Jesus. Susan is also the host of the She Connects Podcast, where she connects with women in the online space. When Susan isn’t speaking, writing, or recording, you can find her chasing her three adorable grandchildren, working in her flower garden, or floating across the lake in her kayak. She and her husband live in Central MN.

Connect with today's guest Susan Vandenheuvel:
Website:  She Rises MN
Instagram:  @susanvandenheuvel
Facebook:  @susanvandenheuvel
Amazon: @susanvandenheuvel
Podcast:  She Connects

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