Previous Episode: Nutrient Neutrality
Next Episode: Plastic Grass

Water in the UK has become both a political football and a source of vast public anger. Storm overflows, sewage spills, dying rivers and dividend payouts have dominated debates everywhere from parliament to the pub. Everyone seems to have an opinion, and clearly there are huge and complex issues... but what are the answers?

CIWEM Director of Policy Al Chisholm is in a unique position of objectivity and influence. He's across the detail and the breadth of the issues. Niki Roach, with her vast and varied experience within the water industry senses the nuances that the public may not see.

Between them they have an honest, focused and practical discussion about what the future of UK Water should be. Is the ownership model right? Is regulation suitable and strong enough? With a general election on the horizon, what do the major political parties want to do? What will win out - big infrastructure or nature based solutions?

This is an essential listen not only for those in the water industry but anyone and everyone who wants the water sector in the UK fixed.



Presented & Produced by Niki Roach

Executive Producer Andy Taylor

With thanks to Alastair Chisholm

Honorary Executive Producer Jane Boland