Apart from having an amazing wedding coordinator on your day (aka my company of course) it’s so so important to have a killer MC that works together with the venue to help the wedding both run on time but also flow beautifully to keep a fantastic wedding vibe.

An MC is someone that can cue all the key areas of your wedding and provide fantastic wording to help flow and connect your formalities and introduce all those special moments.

We often find that our couples really struggle as to who to use as their MC as traditionally its a close family member or friend that will do this BUT sometimes people just don’t have anyone to be able to do this for them or don't want to ask, cue the professional MC.

I have invited onto today's podcast Adam Straney who has MC’d over 6000 events (that is a lot) and worked in the industry for over 20 years, he also happens to be a professional celebrant and radio host on Wave FM’s breakfast show, so what better person to answer all my questions and help provide some advice for our wedding couples out there listening. 

You can visit Adams website at the following link;


Visit http://www.weddingandeventcreators.com.au/https://www.thegelatobike.com.au/

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