Having a great MC will set the tone for the whole evening, ensuring everything flows and runs smoothly, timing doesn't get out of hand, all your suppliers are happy and informed, guests are having a great time and no awkward moments!

An MC (or master of ceremonies) can be hired from a company or using a friend or family member to assist on this front and is way more than just being an ''ánnouncer''. A wedding MC will introduce speeches and formalities, give notes about housekeeping, cue and play music

In this episode, we cover how to nail being a fantastic MC, With practical and useful advice to pass onto your wedding MC, what they should say, what order to say it in and the do and don'ts of being a master of ceremonies.


TJ Productions are offering our listeners a 10% discount on their MC Services, just pop them through an email or visit their website and mention 'PODCAST'to receive this at https://www.tjproductions.com.au/

discount code Valid until 31 July 2020

Plus....Have you listened to Part 1, our other interview with Trevor from TJ Productions on 'Wedding Speeches 101- make sure you head back and take a listen! 

You  can connect with Trevors business TJ Productions who offer MC and DJ services at this link https://www.tjproductions.com.au/