The week before your wedding can be a stressful and busy time, suppliers are needing last minute queries answered, the venue may be ringing to confirm your guest numbers, the family is arriving, things need to be picked up and dropped off and it’s all a little crazy!

Being as organised as you can with a good checklist in advance means you can feel more at ease knowing nothing has been overlooked.

Any style can apply to Winter Weddings of course, but it really lends itself to going wild with Winter and Autumn colour tones.

We work a lot at off-site properties, places like barns, marquees and venues that are very DIY so it’s really helpful knowing you have arranged all the logistical things, meaning on the day there are no last-minute dashes to the local Woolies..

Check out our latest blog full of tips for your DIY wedding:The Top 5 Things Forgotten at A DIY Wedding!