Cris Ferregur talks about SDI; predicting demand in an unpredictable world; the power of data; & finding the balance between new technologies & legacy systems.

[06.05] An introduction to Chris, and his journey with SDI.

[06.40] A closer look at current supply chain challenges, and what SDI are seeing with their clients.

[07.41] Common data challenges, and the importance of good data in telling an organization’s ‘story’ in their supply chain.

[09.48] An overview of SDI – what they do and how they help their customers.

[14.04] The ideal client for SDI.

[15.29] How the landscape of just-in-time, just-in-case, and inventory management changed, from pre to post-pandemic; predicting demand in an unpredictable world; and how SDI’s Zeus software is helping clients move from a reactive to a proactive approach when it comes to FM and MRO supply chain.

[19.30] SDI’s advanced data analytics, and how they are driving #actionableinsights and #visibility for customers, in order to de-risk supply chains and make big cost savings.

[23.05] A closer look at SDI’s #risk assessment service, and how organizations can use those learnings to transform their supply chains.

[26.06] A case study showing how SDI helped their client, one of the world’s largest retailers, to improve #visibility and #efficiency, maximize project completion, and save time and cost, with the implementation of an integrated mobile platform.

[31.52] The importance of taking a ‘progress over perfection’ approach, and how organizations can find the balance between new #technologies with legacy systems.

[34.28] What #onboarding and #integration looks like with SDI.

[37.06] The future for SDI.