Nachi Mendelow & Mohan Dipsingh talk about risk, resilience, technology and why taking a holistic approach to your supply chain is the key to success.

 [01.49] An introduction to today’s guests.

[04.04] How the pandemic exposed #vulnerabilities in supply chains worldwide, bringing the topic of risk to the fore; and the most significant lessons we learned.

[07.18] The different types of working #siloes; the inherent risks for companies that continue to operate in silos; and the power to be found in embracing #collaboration.

[12.27] From robust escalation processes to creating a #culture of ongoing learning, how organizations can build resilience into their supply chain operations in order to adapt, tackle challenges, and manage risk and #disruption.

[18.33] The importance of taking a #holistic approach, from bringing different business units together with customers and suppliers to a focus on global optimization instead of local.

[22.09] The #strategies that companies should be looking to employ when it comes to assessing and managing risks within their network of trading partners.

[25.36] How #technology has evolved to become a critical component of supply chain risk management.

[30.07] Why adopting a single operating platform for end-to-end #logistics is crucial for risk identification and mitigation.
[33.00] How CargoWise has helped organizations to build resilience into their supply chains, with their robust solutions, strong #infrastructure, and strategic partnerships.

[39.03] The risks we can all expect to see in 2024.