Gene Gander and Amna Shah discuss visibility - what it really means; the challenges and opportunities; tech investments; and how CargoWise can help.

[02.38] An introduction to today’s guests.

[05.05] A closer look at Amna’s company AHS Consulting, her long-standing relationship with WiseTech, and why AHS is a WiseTech and CargoWise partner.

[07.42] What supply chain visibility really means, and why it’s so important.

[11.15] The huge increase in #investment in new visibility tools and #tech since 2020, the role of the pandemic, and why visibility is the industry’s number one priority.

[15.26] A closer look at how that increased investment in visibility tech has begun to impact the industry.

[21.00] The current #challenges and barriers to achieving better #visibility within supply chain.

[27.20] An overview of the solutions that CargoWise is using to break down these #barriers for their customers and deliver better visibility across the industry; and how CargoWise brings visibility to an organization's entire operations, not just freight.

[31.36] The role of machine learning and intelligent #analytics within CargoWise, with solutions such as predictive ETA and container automation.

[33.38] A closer look at the CargoWise #workflow and tracking solution, and how #automation can help optimize teams and reduce resistance to new tech.

[37.37] The ideal client for CargoWise.

[40.00] Gene and Amna’s top tip for achieving supply chain visibility.