Join host Jonathan Kempe, and special guest Alison Cusack “The Shipping Lawyer” aka Hurricane Alison on Let’s Talk Supply Chain Asia Pacific’s’ third episode. Jonathan and Alison cover several highly relevant and powerful topics, in a raw and unedited episode:

How Alison started in the maritime + shipping industryAlison courageously shares about the immediate and long-term impact of being assaulted at a high-profile industry functionAlison details her wrestle with why and how she should tell her story Hear a clear explanation of the expectation to be ‘the perfect victim’ Alison finishes with a direct call to action for the industry, and gives a clear message of support to other victims’ who need to be heard, understood, and believed

Thank you, Alison, for sharing with such courage. Don’t forget to visit for legal help with your shipments, and to sign up for the industry leading Propel Forward shipping course.

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