Now that Paul has laid out his theological teachings in chapters 1 & 2, he continues with practical teaching on how to live as a believer in Christ.

00:00 - Review of previous teaching

03:05 - Opening of this section (chapter 3)

04:01 - New creatures should have new aspirations (vss 1-4)

11:15 - Put away sinful conduct of your past (vss 5-7)

22:13 - Paul continues with his list of sin to put away (vss 8-11)

33:53 - Paul now commands believers to “put on” righteous traits (vss 12-13)

45:26 - Be sure to love, because it binds the believers (vs 14)

49:27 - Seek for peace in the church, worship Christ and God in all of your life (vss 15-17)

60:55 - Summary and final thoughts

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