On the outside you appear confident, composed and on top of your game. But on the inside, you are wracked with self-doubt. You feel like a fraud and as though someone is about to tap you on the shoulder and ask you what you think you’re doing. You’re sure you’re not good enough, experienced enough or smart enough to be doing what you’re doing.

This week Jen and Michael chat about the Imposter Experience, better known as the Imposter Syndrome. Listen for our thoughts and advice on how to tackle feeling like an imposter plus tips from two of our UniMelb SciComm students, Stephanie Wong and Charlie Pattinson.

Here are a few good reads to help build your understanding of imposter syndrome and how to tackle it:

Imposters are us - feeling like you aren't good enough? Guess what! You're not the only one. This is Jen's take on imposter syndrome.

If You Struggle With Imposter Syndrome, Scientists Might Have an Odd Solution - an important tip to help you overcome imposter syndrome.

‘I’m not worthy!’ – Imposter Syndrome in Academia - reasons why we feel imposter syndrome in academia, and how to deal with it.

How I overcame impostor syndrome after leaving academia - advice on tackling the voices in your head telling you that you aren't good enough so that they don't sabotage your career.

Feel like an academic fraud? Tips for shaking off imposter syndrome - some great tips on how to manage the feelings of imposter syndrome.

Four tips to ward off imposter syndrome - four straightforward ways to silence your inner critic.

The Clance Imposter Syndrome Test – this is the test Jen and Michael talk about in the podcast. Respond to these 20 questions to see how strongly you experience the imposer syndrome.

Transcript: https://go.unimelb.edu.au/iy8e