We all know videos are one of the most popular and effective mediums to share science and that it’s possible to make great videos on your phone. Gone are the days of needing specialist, expensive equipment! But we can still all benefit from learning about how professionals approach making exciting, engaging videos.

This week Michael and Jen are joined by our wonderful UniMelbSciComm colleague Dr Graham Phillips who has had a long and illustrious career presenting science on TV. As you would imagine, Graham has a heap of advice and tips to share! Two of our UniMelbSciComm alumni, Marie Kinsey and Charlotte Gerada also share their thoughts.

Plus here are a couple of resources to help you make better science videos:

Filming Science on a Phone! - Worried you don't have all the gear to get started filming? Fear not - here's a video about how to use your phone to film science.

What makes a popular science video on YouTube? - A good one for anybody thinking about getting into YouTube

Put it on camera: How to get into scientific film- and video-making - a great article if you're interested in using film to communicate science, and how to get started

10 steps to making DIY science videos for YouTube – a video about how to make good videos!

What makes a good science video? – A quick read with some good tips!

Transcript: https://go.unimelb.edu.au/hy8e