What happens when you're a podcaster and probably cooler little sister is a YouTuber? COLLAB. In this episode hear all about Ashlee and Payton's experiences getting started on their Podcast and YouTube channel, recording simultaneously! See notes below for link to Payton's channel and Instagram account, as well as all of the other influencers, Podcasters, YouTubers, and items talked about in this episode.

Payton Leigh: YouTube Instagram

Ashlee: Instagram

Kinsey Dulaney: Instagram

Christy Keane: Instagram Podcast

Lindy Goodson: YouTube Instagram

Apps: Trello | Lightroom | Picsart | TapeACall

Hosting site: Libsyn

Editing programs: Garage Band | iMovie | Zencastr

Equipment: Microphone | Canon G7X Mark iii (camera)

Fave Maternity Apparel: Belly Bandit | Kindred Bravely | Blanqi