Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik is a daily news roundup show taking a look at the headlines from that day from a Conservative and Constitutional perspective. Here's today's stories: President Trump reminds us that America is the greatest nation on the face of the earth, President Trump announces The National Garden of American Heroes, and Is Kanye West Actually Running For President?

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Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik is a daily news roundup show taking a look at the headlines from that day from a Conservative and Constitutional perspective. Here's today's stories:

President Trump reminds us that America is the greatest nation on the face of the earth

On July 3rd, President Donald Trump hosted a fireworks spectacular at Mount Rushmore commemorating Independence Day. While the Mainstream Media pushed the propaganda that his speech was extremely dark and divisive, the reality of it was that this was one of the most positive speeches that I've heard from the President, focusing on the greatness of America.

In reality, the reason why the Left sees his speech as dark and divisive is because of their warped view of America. They see our country as a deeply oppressive, racist nation that needs to be destroyed. The reality of it is that the United States of America is the greatest country in the history of the world. Think about it: only 89 years after the founding of America we abolished slavery. That's the quickest that virtually any major country has eliminated slavery. And not only did we ban it altogether in such a short amount of time, but we literally went to war in order to end slavery once and for all. This should be something that is praised, showing just how great our country is!

President Trump's speech highlighted the greatness of America, and he should be applauded for his patriotism and leadership. We should be grateful to live in a nation the glorifies freedom and liberty for all. We value freedom so much that we went to war with ourselves to accomplish those goals and free the slaves. I am proud to be an American!

President Trump announces The National Garden of American Heroes


In the midst of the Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests, rioting and looting and destruction of monuments and statues, President Trump announced that he was creating The National Garden of American Heroes to celebrate the lives of those that have made our nation the great country that it is.

It's important that we keep up our monuments and statues as reminders of our American history, both good and bad. We should view these as teaching moments to teach future generations about our American heritage, discussing even uncomfortable topics so that we don't repeat the sins of generations past, and emulate the good things that our founders accomplished and desired for this great nation.

I commend President Trump on this move. Let's Keep America Great!

Is Kanye West Actually Running For President?

Over the weekend, Kanye West announced on Twitter that he is going to run for president. Now, there's a lot of speculation as to whether he's being serious. Some are saying that he's just doing this as a publicity stunt to promote his upcoming album, which would not be a shocker, whatsoever. Others think that he's serious. My impression is that he has multiple motivations.

What if he's doing this to promote his upcoming album AND potentially run for president? He could be hinting at a 2024 run, since he does have a history of supporting President Trump. However, if he hasn't rescinded his MAGA support, there could be another motivating factor for actually entering the race in 2020.

Now, this is all theoretical, and we have no idea of Kanye is being this strategic or not. However, it is an interesting theory. When Kanye came out as a Trump supporter in previous years, the conservative movement welcomed him with open arms. They welcomed him because, finally, we had a prominent A-list celebrity joining the MAGA crowd. With that said, if Kanye runs for president, he's not going to draw any votes from the MAGA crowd, since their support for Kanye West was because of his support from President Trump.

The potential result of a Kanye West 2020 presidential run could destroy any chance of Joe Biden winning the election. Think about it. He won't take votes away from Trump. But he could take a significant chunk of votes away from Biden in the form of the black vote. The theory could be that Kanye West would be running for president in order to get President Trump re-elected. This theory would fit with the response from the left, in that they are trying to destroy his credibility attack him strongly. Why are they doing this? Because he is a threat to Joe Biden's election chances.

Is Kanye West running for president? Who knows. But if he does, he'll likely ensure President Trump's re-election. Thus, I hope Kanye does run for president. Plus, I really want to see a Biden, Trump & Kanye debate!