Today is first day of Donald Trump's impeachment trial, and we are witnessing the House Impeachment Managers present their case claiming that he directly incited the Washington DC Capitol Riots which allegedly led to the deaths of seven American lives. On a side not, that is ignoring the fact that two of those deaths were from suicide after the fact, one police officer whose death we do not know the cause, a Trump supporter died of a stroke, while another had a heart attack and then one unarmed woman was shot in cold blood by an undercover police officer. For being a "violent insurrection," the facts don't seem to support this claim, on top of the fact that if it were actually an insurrection there would have been the attempt to take over the country and rule America. That simply did not happen. What we must remember, however, is that this impeachment trial is not simply about convicting the President, but about breaking his supporters' spirits.