Daniel McCarthy is Assistant Professor at Emory University Goizieta School of Business. In this interview, Dan unpacks several deep layers of understanding around measuring retention and customer lifetime value.

He highlights a concern that businesses state improved performance against reduced churn rates. It is not that simple. He dives into differences of retention and churn measurement across subscription and non-subscription, across different industries and even the impact of a free trial in a subscription business. 

If you are in the industry of loyalty, you need to listen to Dan McCarthy’s view on measuring churn, retention and customer lifetime value.

Hosted by Amanda Cromhout

Show notes:

1) Daniel McCarthy

2) Emory University Goizieta School of Business

3) #64: Customer-Based Corporate Valuation - Daniel McCarthy of Emory University

4) #338: Covid’s Aftermath, Customer Health, and Customer-Based Forecasting with Daniel McCarthy of Emory University