Previous Episode: #53: Dr Sonya Jessup

For the last 18 months, I have watched the world as I know it turn upside down. Civil rights and liberties have been stripped from the people, as quickly and effortlessly as this ‘novel coronavirus’ appeared on our doorsteps in January 2020.

Let me start by giving you a pre-frame here, what I am about to discuss with you today is based on my own research, I encourage you to do the same, research, research and then do some more research. I will provide you with the links from mine, including patent numbers, videos discussing money transactions, research paper articles of both published and those confidential in nature articles. Ultimately at the end of the day, please consider this as information that I would give to my own children, anyone that I love and my clients. With that pre-frame, I invite you to sit back and enjoy the story that I am about to tell you.

This represents approximately 0.03% of my research, there is so much more to this world wide event, I encourage you to remain open and stay curious.