Construction terms: 

Alicia’s favorite – can you explain what these terms mean? What do stringer, riser and tread have in common? Is there a difference between drywall, Sheetrock and green board?


Give your refrigerator some love. Along with cleaning the coils (check out this video) there are a few other things to check to keep it running efficiently. Door seal, temperature check for the fridge and freezer and keep it full all help for your unit to be more energy efficient. A fridge older than 2001 is costing more in energy than it’s saving in bulk food storage. Time to say “goodbye”.

New interest: 

Amy shares a little about cohousing and what it means as far as housing and community go. Stay tuned for an upcoming episode with guest, Katie McCamant of CoHousing Solutions and cohousing guru, to learn more.

If you have any questions or stories you’d like to share please write us at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you. Also leave us a review and let us know what you think.

Show Links:

How to clean refrigerator coils

Help with appliance repair and parts –