This week Amy and Alicia talk about knowing where your mechanical systems are in your house; and maintenance and safety tips for each.

·     Do you know where your water shut off valve is and does it work?

·     How to troubleshoot a whole house water leak without waiting for a sky high water bill.

·     Where is your electrical panel?

·     Do the wires sag too much from the utility pole to your house? Amy gives you a tip on what to do if you’re concerned about the sag.

·     Go to to see if your panel is safe.

·     What about your gas meter and how to shut it off? Amy gives a great tip to help with shutting the gas off in case of emergency.

·     Is there maintenance required for your Water heater? How old is it?

·     Heating system maintenance tips. When to change your furnace filter?

Listeners’ Questions

·     How can you frost glass? And we’re not talking butter crème.

·     How do I get the wood to stay in place when gluing but there’s no way to use a clamp?

DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION, DIY or HOME REPAIR STORY?! If you do – email it to us at [email protected].

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