Alicia and Amy welcome special guest Courtney Gebhart of Blue Sound Construction to announce a brand new training opportunity from Seattle Colleges. Courtney has created a new micropathway that she refers to as an "earn and learn" trade program to get more people into residential construction carpentry. Students hired by industry partners (like AmyWorks) will receive on the job education as well as standard in the classroom learning. At the completion of this 12-month program, students will receive the only nationally recognized homebuilding credential, the NOCTI Certification for Basic Carpentry.

Check out the website:

And look for information on upcoming job fairs for placement!

Listener questions this week include:

"Should I DIY replacing my deadbolt with a Push Button/Keyless Lock?"

"Can I use the exact same gallon of paint for ceiling, door and door jamb, and window sill?" Amy explains your best options.

Tips and Tricks this week has our hosts discuss a multitude of drains and how to best unclog them, with and without the ick factor. Amy gives a smart tip for checking if your exhaust fans are actually working as they should.

And finally, some remodeling advice. What is a "contingency fund" and is it necessary? Does every contractor use one? Is it different than an allowance? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having the contractor purchase materials for a project as opposed to the homeowner purchasing? Amy tells you what you need to know.


If you have questions for Amy and Alicia send us an email at [email protected].