Episode 7 invites Doug Fine to the lair and we discuss many projects that Doug is currently involved in including Hawaii hemp research, a project with the Colville indian tribe in Washington State, hemp in hemp from Vermont, hemp legislation in New Mexico, the Central US Hemp Growers Conference in Wisconsin next week, and a few things on the horizon for 2018. We also recap a little more on the CBD raids in Tennessee that happened last week entitled Operation Candy Crush/CBD Gummy Bears along with what's going on with the GW Pharma bill making rounds and ruffling feathers around the Colorado capital.    

Learn more about this episode of Let's Talk Hemp at www.letstalkhemp.com. Got questions for future episodes? Email us at [email protected].

LTH422 intro and outro music powered by MoTron and the #HempCaster Guitar @ Hole in the Sky Music.