
Welcome to Let’s Talk Family Enterprise, a podcast that explores the ideas, concepts, and models that best serve Family Enterprise Advisors in supporting their clients.


All views, information, and opinions expressed during this podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Family Enterprise Canada.



Regular hosts Ruth Steverlynck and Steve Legler discuss some of their favourite guests and topics from the 2022 episodes they each hosted. They once again share their greatest takeaways in the hopes of bringing back good memories and encouraging listeners to go check out episodes they may have missed along the way.


Key Takeaways

[0:26] Steve Legler and Ruth Steverlynck are both your host — and guests! — for this special end-of-year episode.


[1:05] Steve welcomes Ruth to the podcast, they share how much they enjoy revisiting episodes and highlighting some of the more salient moments of 2022.


[2:38] Steve shares his take on the most recent episode “The Quest for Legitimacy” with Dr. Weiner.


[6:13] Ruth talks about what she took away from the episode with Dr. Weiner and how she has adapted her practice.


[7:07] Steve asks Ruth to share her highlights on the episode with Amy Hart Klyne and talks about the secret sauce and how to best use Amy’s book.


[10:29] Steve and Ruth each share how Amy’s advice should be part of all advisory work.


[12:07] “Family Champions and Champion Families” with Joshua Nacht was a memorable episode also; Ruth shares how this discussion on continuity had an impact on her.


[14:44] Steve talks about how Joshua’s research unfolded and how this one unpaid, unnamed role came to light.


[17:00] “Inheritance Styles, a Roadmap For Rising Generations” with Robin Catlin brought to light a category of inheritor type Steve wasn’t aware of before.


[17:40] Ruth explains what PPI and FFI are and shares how the extremely useful Robin Catlin episode shifted how she approaches her work with inheritors.


[23:30] Eighty-eight contributors participated in Peter Jaskiewicz’s book. The episode “Enabling Next Generation Legacies” distilled their perspectives.


[26:40] Ruth shares her surprise at how “uncomfortable” some of the rising gen questions can be as well as how surprised and delighted she was with Peter’s book recommendation.


[29:06] Ruth shares that relistening to “Balancing Leadership at Home and at Work” with Deena Chochinov kind of made her realise how much of a Deena fangirl she is!


[31:48] Steve shares the note he put in bold from this episode and why he thinks every advisor needs to do the same.


[33:14] People need to be heard, and leading with relationship will get you further than your expertise ever could.


[34:42] Ruth closes out the episode by giving a shout-out to the unsung hero of the podcast, Christopher Rogers! As well as the upcoming FEC symposiums in May 2023.


[36:10] Steve and Ruth share their reading recommendations and sign off on 2022.


If you enjoyed today’s episode, you can subscribe to Let’s Talk Family Enterprise on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or other podcast apps. Please remember to share this episode with family, friends, and colleagues.

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Mentioned in this episode

The Let’s Talk Family Enterprise podcast is brought to you by Family Enterprise Canada.

“The Quest For Legitimacy” — Dr. Weiner

“Portraits Of Pioneering Women Leading Wealthy Families” — Amy Hart Klyne

“Family Champions and Champion Families” — Joshua Nacht

“Inheritance Styles: A Road Map for the Rising Generation” — Robin Catlin

“Enabling Next Generation Legacies” — Peter Jaskiewicz

“Balancing Leadership at Home and Work” — Deena Chochinov


Family Business Symposium 2023


Ruth and Steve’s reading recommendations:

The 6 Types of Working Genius: A Better Way to Understand Your Gifts, Your Frustrations, and Your Team, by Patrick M. Lencioni

Making Questions Work: A Guide to How and What to Ask for Facilitators, Consultants, Managers, Coaches, and Educators, by Dorothy Strachan


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