
Kira Carrillo Corser is a photojournalist, artist, and community leader with over 15 years of experience, publishing and exhibiting in 19 states across the US in venues such as the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego and the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. She taught "Arts and Community” for 8 years in Service Learning and taught as a Visual Art Consultant in Human Communications at CSU - Monterey Bay.

From art galleries, museums, universities, and national conferences to U.S. Congress in Washington D.C., Kira’s art knows no limits. Her goal remains: to produce works with artists and nonprofit organizations that aid and promote social justice or wellness and to consult for or teach individual and collaborative projects using art as a force for social action and visual literacy.

A special thank you to: Lisa Parsons, Co-Director of the Posts for Peace and Justice Project; Felecia (Fe Love) Lenee Williams and Sherretha Jackson, Youth Program Directors; and partners One Billion Rising, Compassionate CA, Compassionate ARTS in Action and First Night Monterey.

Rich Information and Resources Links The many awards, accolades and grants of Kira Corser Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego Smithsonian Cal State Monterey Bay International CharterForCompassion.org B Corp Movement Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World PostsForPeaceAndJustice.org Cal State University San Marcos San Diego Visual Arts Network and The DNA of Creativity Diane Burko Photography and Diane Burko: Polar Expeditions in Photo and Paint podcast SeaChanges.org Endaranged: Exploring California’s Changing Ecosystems Sept 5 - 28th, 2017 at Mesa College The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger Compassionate California Visual Voices: The Threat of the Dam The CarterCenter.org The National CivilAndHumanRights.org OneBillionRising.org Guest Contact information

Kira Corser
Visual Arts Director
Art Connecting Communities
Fallbrook, CA

Purchase the podcast’s namesake Eco Music album "Let’s Talk About The Weather" on iTunes or Bandcamp.