In this episode co-host Sara Challice shares her story about what it's like being told the person you love has a brain tumour and how her husbands diagnosis changed her life forever as she took on the role of his carer throughout his illness.  Sara talks with honesty about the reality of caring, the toll it takes on carers and things she found helpful.

If you or a loved one have been affected by a brain tumour diagnosis our support team are here to help you.  You can get in touch by emailing [email protected] or calling our support line Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm on 0808 800 0004
We also have dedicated Facebook Groups for Carers and people affected by a loved ones diagnosis.  You can join our Main Carers Group here or if you are aged 16 to 30 you can join our Young Adult Carers Facebook Group here

You can find more information about support for carers on our website

Sarah Challice's website and book

Better Safe Than Tumour

Money Advice Clinic