Sandra Scott A family researcher who is passionate about bringing families together. Sandra the only child of her parents and raised in a blended family home. As a child, Sandra was always curious to know more about her family. She would contact her aunt from to time and take notes. Fast forward to adulthood Sandra married, had three children, and her desire to know more about her family grew stronger. She wanted to share her lineage with her sons so that they would pass it down to their children and children's children. Sandra's family research eventually helped restore families who had been distant for years. She knew then that family research was her niche in helping others with their family research. Her biggest research project was from a man who was born in Saigon Vietnam looking for his biological father who was African American. With all of the tools and resources like genetic DNA testing, she was able to find his father. After that discovery, the flood gates of "help me please" started pouring in. Sandra has helped many people discover their biological families and the request are still pouring in. Sandra's contact info: [email protected]