Medicine Hat Brewing Company’s Kaiden Vancuren joins the podcast this week to share the history of brewing in Medicine Hat, and a look at how this family run business came to be.
The original Medicine Hat Brewing Company back in 1912, located on Medicine Hat’s Industrial Ave. Roughly a decade later as Alberta was beginning prohibition the brewery was shut down in 1923. Now nearly a century later the Vancuren family has dusted off the name and opened an all new Medicine Hat Brewing Company, regularly paying homage to the original through the theme of the brewery and even the names of their beers, in a tradition Kaiden refers to as “history in a can”

The Vancuren clan have been passionate about craft beer for quite some time, regularly working brewery visits into their family vacations, and when Kaiden’s father sold a few businesses in the oil industry back in 2016 it presented a great opportunity for them to take the dive and get into craft beer. Since then they’ve had an incredible reception throughout southern Alberta, and have even successfully expanded their brand into Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and hope to soon to expand into the US as well. These days Kaiden’s father is stepping a bit further back from the business, leaving big shoes for Kaiden to fill, but he feels well equipped with the wealth of great advice and guidance that’s been passed down between generations.

Let’s Meet For A Beer: website | facebook

Alberta Beer Festivals: website | twitter | instagram

Kaiden Vancuren - Medicine Hat Brewing Company: website | twitter | instagram | facebook

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