Previous Episode: 65 - Derek Nordstrom
Next Episode: 67 - Nick Bell

Tory Manywounds of Original 403 joins the podcast this week to discuss his recent transition from liquor inspector with the AGLC to liquor agency owner, and his excitement about switching teams.
During his time with the AGLC Tory broke the mould of what many licensees expected out of their inspector. Looking to flip the script from being heavily enforcement focused and following the mantra of “read the handbook” like many before him, Tory recognized the huge level of integrity throughout the Alberta brewing and distilling industry and understood that these producers were trying to run small businesses and create opportunities for people in their communities, and a helping hand to avoid misinterpreting policy went a long way.

Tory hopes to take this to the next level with the consulting arm of Original 403, and hopefully bridge the gap between producers and the AGLC. Not unlike being able to download workout routines on YouTube but still hiring a personal trainer to get your best workout, Tory will be acting like an AGLC policy personal trainer for producers who want more than just reading the handbook for guidance.

In addition to consulting, Original 403 will be looking to bring new products to shelves in Alberta liquor stores that will compliment rather than directly compete with the many craft producers. The first product he’s working on will be something a little different, not quite a non-alcoholic beer, not quite a ready-to-drink: hopped water. While this product has been around in the US for a little bit it’s brand new to Alberta and great of people who want to enjoy the hoppy flavour of beer in a non-beer vessel.

We also get the opportunity to discuss Tory’s true passion: art. He’s been an artist for many years, dabbling in abstract art, resin art, as well as jewelry, and he feels that this artistry flows perfectly into what he’s doing now in the beverage world

“I want the future to be bright, and if I can be part of that future, that’d be cool"

Let’s Meet For A Beer: website | facebook

Alberta Beer Festivals: website | twitter | instagram

Tory Manywounds - Original 403: instagram | facebook

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