Previous Episode: 09 - Don Tse
Next Episode: 11 - Graham Sherman

Just what does it mean to be "The Guy?" Today we're joined by Terry Andryo, the Director of Community Initiatives at ATB Financial. Terry shares with us his passion for connecting people, not just with each other but also with the food they eat.

Terry spent his early life in Lockport Manitoba, the catfish capital of North America where, to our surprise, he grew up fishing with a crossbow! He tells us that while growing up he wasn't tempted by the distraction of a computer, and he feels a deep connection to the rural environment where he came from. Today, he is an advocate for people learning more about their food and where it comes from, and not just by googling it. Not just that, but he also wants to help farmers connect with where the food they produce ends up.

Later in the interview we discuss Terry's journey with Parkinson's disease. He tells us that he doesn't view himself as an expert, but rather a living case study on the disease, because you often don't know what to expect so you have to embrace the uncertainty of what's going on. Facing that uncertainty is much easier with the support of his family, who he says are truly the brave ones in the relationship.

ATB Financial's Community Initiatives