Previous Episode: 03 - Jay Baydala
Next Episode: 05 - Ben Leon

Our guest this week is the legendary Alastair Smart, one of the original members of the Big Rock team, and mentor to countless players in Calgary's beer industry today.

Alastair spent twenty-nine years and five months as part of the Big Rock family, but his desire to be part of the beer world starts even before that. After leaving his previous career in the police force behind in Ontario and heading west, Alastair used to call Ed McNally every single month on the 15th of the month looking for a job and when the opportunity finally arrived Alastair's place as a Calgary craft beer legend was cemented.

This episode takes us through Alastair's tenured career leaving no detail behind, from the cold plate systems that used to buy Big Rock a tap in local pubs to the people who inspired and supported Alastair through his nearly 30 years in the industry.