Award winning artist John Costacos helped cement sports stars as pop culture icons with inventive, stylized posters of players like Charles Barkley, Mark McGuire, Bo Jackson and Troy Aikman. Leaning into the aesthetics and mass-media sensibilities of the ‘80s and ‘90s, John and his brother’s company – the Costacos Brothers – were so good at what they did that they went from chasing deals to having stars call them asking for a poster of their own. We talk about how the company started, some of the biggest names and best photo shoots, their poster series featuring Don James, the legendary college football coach, and my favorite poster – The Land of Boz – which featured the viral-before-viral Brian “The Boz” Bosworth.

Twitter for Costacos Collection


“Walls of Fame: The Unforgettable Sports Posters of the Costacos Brothers”

John’s Current Endeavor

SB Nation video – “Poster Boys”