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Today we are chatting about a topic that many have struggled with both male and female, young and old. Body Image! 

There are four aspects of body image:

The way you see yourself (Perceptual) The way you feel about the way you look (Affective) The thoughts and beliefs you feel about your body (Cognitive) The things you do in relation to the way you look (Behavioural)


 Research conducted in the U.S showed that around 25% of male children/adolescents were concerned about their muscularity and leanness, by expressing a greater desire for toned and defined musclesResearch has shown that around 50% of young 13-year-old American girls reported being unhappy with their bodies. This number grew to nearly 80% by the time girls reached 17 years of ageNearly 80% of young teenage girls report fears of becoming fat

We have some special guests joining us for this discussion. My lifelong friend Ruby also known as Tisha and her daughter my Goddaughter DeLeticia also known as Dayday. 

Ruby is a Brooklyn Knight residing in Virginia, She is the proud mother of 2. A Social Worker by trade, and currently working in the school system as a Virtual Teacher Assistant with the Special Education population. She loves working with children. In her downtime, she likes to read, interior decorates, watch television, and sleep. Ruby is also an Apostolic Evangelist and attends Labourers for Christ Center for Reconstruction Ministry in Williamsburg, Virginia. In this Ministry, God gifted her with Ruby's G.E.M.S and Gents which is an outreach mentoring program for youth and young adults from 9 to 21 years old. She also leads Warrior Brides a ministry for all...Men, Woman, and children to inspire them to love Christ, themselves and prepare themselves for Christ's army. Ruby’s YouTube channel Warrior Brides Corner is up and running and there to inspire.  


DeLeticia is a 20-year-old young lady born and raised in Williamsburg, Va. DeLeticia attends Labourers for Christ Center for Reconstruction in Williamsburg, Va. There you can find her assisting the youth with Sunday Children's church. DeLeticia is a freshman at Richard Bland College of William and Mary. She is working toward her ultimate goal of becoming a Pediatric Surgeon or Pediatric Doctor. DeLeticia is a Junior Mentor