Only two five star matches in the eyes of Dave Meltzer during the first month of 2022? That's a bad sign if ever there was one. But despite all that despair and suffering, Lorcan (@lorcanmullan) and Simon (@simoncross3) have survived to watch and discuss AEW's opener for the final Dynamite of January, as Cody Rhodes defends his TNT Championship against the man who he beat to start this third reign, the current holder of Interim TNT Championship after the postponment of this match originally planned for Battle of the Belts, and a five-star debutant: 'The Spanish God' Sammy Guevara. This had also been the opening match of the first episode of Dynamite back in late 2019. A lot has changed since then, has one of those changes been Guevara maturing to finally get a win over the most divisive figure in AEW's short history? Let's watch and find out!

Outro music: 'Polvo de Estrellas' by Javier de Mabel

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