It's a title vs. title match between the champions of the main two sister promotions of WWNLive, as the Evolve Champion Drew Galloway, in the middle of a reinvention after his unceremonious dumping from the WWE only a few years after being introduced by Vince McMahon himself as a future world champion, against Dragon Gate USA's Open the Freedom Gate Champion Johnny Gargano, a man who had carved a reputation over the previous years as one of the best wrestlers on the indie scene. Together they would both raise in stature and profile in WWE's NXT a few years alter. And many traces of those NXT matches can be found right here in front of a small-ish indie crowd. Lorcan (@lorcanmullan) and Simon (@simoncross3) compare the journeys of both men before and after this match and how certain aspects of the match ring differently today.

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