As a business owner, president, or CEO, there are two ways you can grow the business: be a grinder, working 60 or 70 hours a week or… you can work smarter and actually enjoy the financial and personal freedom being the boss is supposed to be all about.

I’m Kevin Minton, CEO of Chief Executive Boards International. Drawing upon my 25+ years of experience in sales, sales leadership, and management, I’m seeking to help owners find balance in their lives – and still achieve breakthrough business success in my new podcast: Lessons From the Boardroom.

I’ll have help, guests who share their real-life experiences and challenges in running their businesses so you can learn from their wins – and losses too. And because you know all too well that you can’t separate your work from your home life, I will also cover how to navigate relationships with spouses, family, and friends.

You can expect a free exchange of ideas and sometimes even some tough conversations.