This week’s guest Janet Taylor, helps clients get organized and create more space so they can attract more money, love, and happiness. She has appeared on HGTV, The Rachael Ray Show, and helped top motivational speaker, Les Brown get organized.

Key Questions:

What should you focus on when marketing and selling to customers?

What questions should you ask potential clients to have them interested in your product/ service?

How can you get organized and network your way into great marketing opportunities?

*Be sure to follow Janet here *


1. Don't forget to follow @lilyrosedma on FB, IG, and LinkedIn to grow your business and to stand out from the competition.  

2. Check out my in-house marketing program to train your employees on how to market your business like a pro. 

#marketing #lilyrosedma #sales #digitalmarketing #digitalsales #socialmediamarketing


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