Scrooge is visited by the last of the spirits and sees what will happen if he does not mend his ways...

This episode was edited by Nigel McKeon, find her other shows Archive Admirers at, Hyperfixations at, and Nanny Ogg's Book Club on Spotify

And now onto the real talent of the episode!

The voice of section 1 is the wonderful Freddie Elmore, the voice of Julia in the podcast Care and Feeding of Werewolves, a podcast addressing current events and issues in the paranormal community. Freddie can be found on Twitter @VJulia42, and Care and Feeding of Werewolves can be found on Twitter @CareWerewolves

The voice of section 2 is the one of a kind Dr Lou Sutcliffe who can be found tweeting inadvisably @LouJSutcliffe, or reading classic horror stories aloud at

The voice of section 3 is the spooky Jeremy Enfinger, the creator and voice behind The Storage Papers, a podcast about a man named Jeremy who comes into possession of a storage unit full of strange, potentially supernatural papers. You can find Jeremy on Twitter @WeirdoJeremy and you can find out more about The Storage Papers at

The voice of section 4 is the brilliant Shaun Pellington, creator of the podcast Wake of Corrosion, an indie audio drama set in a nightmare ridden, apocalyptic world. An unknown horror grips the country, forcing most of the remaining population into shelter. You can find Wake of Corrosion on Twitter @WakeofCorrosion, and online at

The voice of section 5 is the stand-out Dr Sarah Penn from Rapture 518, a horror/psychological thriller Audiodrama produced in Canada, you can find Rapture 518 on Twitter at @Rapture518

All sounds are used under a Creative Commons Attribution License

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