#99 - Amy Landino is one of the fastest-growing internet sensations. She has already built quite an impressive resume as an award-winning YouTuber, a best-selling author, and a professional keynote speaker.

In her new book, Good Morning Good Life, Amy shares details of how to start every day on your terms, and no, you do not need to be a morning person to do it. By following her five simple habits, you can combat morning obstacles and create the daily rituals that work best for you.

In this episode we discuss:

• Taking the long route vs. the short route when building a brand
• Strategies to increase your effectiveness with your marketing
• Your morning Routing and how to improve it.

Oh btw, we have a pretty epic giveaway. The first 10 people who do the following are going to get both a Damn Good Day bracelet as well as a brand new copy of Amy Landino’s new book Good Morning, Good Life. All you have to do is:

Leave the LenJones Party of 2 Podcast a written review on the Apple podcast directory as well as shoot me a Direct Message on Instagram or Facebook.

As always, you can watch this episode with Amy and me over on YouTube.