What up everyone,

Welcome to another episode of LEMeKNOW

This is the last Solo Bolo of the year so you know what that means, no guest on this week's episode. Instead I answer question that you have sent via Instagram. Don't forget to send some more question incase I have to do another Solo Bolo Episode. We talk Christmas, New Year resolution and some of the plans for 2019.

Thank you for all your support and questions through the year. These solo episodes would no be possible without your help.

On that note, to Lazy to send a message on IG? Then leave a Voicemail by calling (424) 261-9005

Keep the questions coming!!!

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We are on iTunes/ SoundCloud/ Google Play/ Stitcher/ Spotify

I hope you guys enjoy!!!

As Always…

Thank You for listening and letting me be part of your day.

IG/FB @lemeknowpod

Email [email protected]