The Mystery of You
Have we forgotten about being happy in our pursuit of happiness?

We have been well trained to go after what we want, but are we missing out on life by always focusing on some future event?

In this conversation with Emilio Diez Barroso, he invites us to uncover a peace that is untouched by the happenings of life and encourages us to discover who we are beyond our familiar identities and roles. Life is a spiritual journey and when we discover our deepest, most natural level of Self, we can tap into this greater sense of freedom.

Guest Bio.
Emilio Diez Barroso was a lifelong seeker—seeking recognition, achievement, love, success, and finally, the ultimate carrot: enlightenment. In his pursuit of enlightenment, he was forced to face what all the seeking had been trying to avoid: his own sense of unworthiness. Defeated at the game of avoiding and humbled by the realization of his true nature, he is now dedicated to alleviating suffering in the world. Emilio is married and is a father to three incredible teachers. He is an active investor, philanthropist, and entrepreneur and sits on the board of over a dozen companies. He has a master’s in spiritual psychology and resides in Los Angeles.