We’re ending the Most Dangerous Month where it began, with a remake of the 1932 classic based on the 1924 short story reimagined as a TV show released in short episodes on a steaming app in 2020, and then on another streaming service in 2021 when the first streaming service went bankrupt, and finally re-edited as a movie and released on a third streaming service in 2022. Look, we told you this month was dangerous! Longtime listeners will remember Hashtag #QuibiSucks, when we covered the rise and fall of the Jeffrey Katzenberg-backed steaming experiment in short-form television. After Quibi went under, Roku purchased and repurposed many shows from the Quibi library on their platform, including this one starring Liam Hemworth and Christoph Waltz. Now renewed for a second season, Amazon Prime has also released a movie-length compilation of the series - and that’s what we watched, because this a movie podcast. No matter how it started, we’re going to finish it. Most Dangerous Month, Most Dangerous App, Most Dangerous Game!


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