The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle, and show Producer Director SP discuss the penultimate Disney+ The Falcon And The Winter Soldier episode “Truth.” The Agents debrief you on National Animal Cookie Day, the truth of Truth, an episode featuring Sam, Sam’s training montage and transformation, Sam and Isaiah’s revealing conversation, the EPIC fight for the Shield between Walker and Sam and Bucky, John Walker’s mindset and how he deals with everything that happens to him. John Walker’s new shield, Zemo’s ultimate meaning in the series, the far reaching implications of the episode’s guest appearance and who she is in the Marvel comics, what Joaquim Torres getting Sam’s wings means, more Power Broker speculation, Bucky and Sarah’s cute flirting, a playing catch therapy session, the Shield is intelligent, Bucky’s path to redemption, waiting to see the new suit, and Michelle’s Mom take on the show. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio.




The Falcon And The Winter Soldier S01E05 “Truth” Weekly Marvel News Listener Feedback




The Falcon And The Winter Soldier “Truth” premiered on Disney+ on April 16th, 2021.




Directed By: Kari Skogland

57 directing credits starting 1994

6x The Borgias

1x The Killing

2x Under the Dome

1x Longmire

2x Vikings

1x Penny Dreadful

2x Fear the Walking Dead

1x The Americans

2x The Walking Dead

1x The Punisher

5x The Handmaid’s Tale

6x The Falcon and the Winter Soldier


Written By: Dalan Musson  

3 writing credits starting 2009

Iron Sky: The Coming Race

1x Falcon and the Winter Soldier


Showrunner: Malcolm Spellman


NEWS [49:03]




Alfred Molina confirms involvement in Spider-Man No Way Home

When the actor asked Jon Watts, the director of “No Way Home,” how the movie would bring Doc Ock back — since, as he pointed out, “I died” — Molina said the director told him, “In this universe, no one really dies.”

Watts told him that the movie will pick up Doc Ock’s story from “that moment” in the river

Also talks about digital de-ageing and the tentacles doing all the stunt work for him




Marvel has big plans for that surprise Falcon & Winter Soldier cameo

Hinted in a 2019 interview: “Swinging around on wires and kicking people in the face…shooting fire out of whatever you shoot fire out of. I would dig that.”

There have been a lot of conjectures that Marvel may be slowly rolling out its own version of a comic book supervillain team: the Thunderbolts.




Brie Larson teaches Tessa Thompson to play Fortnite

Absolutely adorable

Dead set on taming a wolf


FEEDBACK [52:37]





Thu, Apr 15, 12:30 PM

to [email protected]


Greetings!  I heard you guys trying to wrap your head around when the "6 years ago" intro to episode 4 took place and thought I would try to help.  We're established to be six months after Endgame, which was five years after Infinity War.  So the scene with Bucky and Ayo, along with the Black Panther post credit with Bucky and Shuri, both take place 6 months before Infinity War.  Since Infinity War and Civil War were confirmed in dialogue to be two years apart, that means it took a year and a half for Bucky to be deprogrammed.


Loving the show so far!  Hope you are all doing well.  Until next time,



OUTRO [55:57]


Lauren, Michelle and SP love to hear back from you about how you would rate the episode we just discussed, your top 5 Marvel character lists, your science of Marvel questions, who would you pick in an all-female Avenger team, or which Marvel male you would like to see shirtless. Call the voicemail line at 1-844-THE-BUS1 or 844-843-2871.


Join Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. next time as the hosts discuss the Disney+ The Falcon And The Winter Soldier Finale Episode. You can listen in live when we record Sunday Afternoons 5:00 PM Eastern time at Contact Info: Please see for all of our contact information or call our voicemail line at 1-844-THE-BUS1 or 844-843-2871


Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Is a Proud Member Of The GonnaGeek Network (


This podcast was recorded on Sunday April 18th, 2021.


Standby for your S.H.I.E.L.D. debriefing ---


Audio and Video Production by Stargate Pioneer of