As you wait for Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode 371 on The Falcon And The Winter Soldier episode 3 "Power Broken" to be published we are fortunate enough to be able to publish the outtakes from the show a few days early.

On the show tonight were Agent Michelle and Producer of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Director SP. Agent Lauren couldn't join us tonight so we enlisted the help of Consultant Chris Ferrell from the Show and All Things Good And Nerdy podcast.

In the outtakes this week we chat a bit about Sharon Carter's relationship to the Power Broker, a complete version of Michelle's Mom's take on The Falcon And The Winter Soldier So Far, and some insight into the published version of Michelle's Mom's take.

Get this special outtakes edition while you can! Everythign except Michelle's Mom's complete version will be included in the main episode to be published in a few days and this episode will be hidden from the podcast feed at that time. We hope you enjoy it! If you do let us know and we might keep these bonus episodes coming in future weeks.