Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. discusses the Daredevil episode Condemned. The crew is joined by fellow GonnaGeek podcaster Jonolobster from Arthouse Legends, Crimson Comet and Gotham Nightline. Fellow GonnaGeek Podcaster Neil from Legends Podcast steps in to give us another round of Mighty Marvel Moment. We review clips from the 2015 Houston Comicpalooza Cobie Smulders panel. And as always the hosts also take time to discuss the week in Marvel news and review all the awesome Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. feedback.


This Time On Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D.: [1:53]

Welcome Lobster!

Daredevil: Condemned

Neil’s Mighty Marvel Moment

Cobie Smulders 2015 Houston Comicpalooza Panel Clips

The weekly Marvel News

YOUR feedback!!!!


Welcome Lobster to the Podcast [2:29]


GonnaGeek Host Jonolobster joins us for the fourth time to help us discuss Daredevil "Condemned."


Marvel's Daredevil on Netflix episode "Condemned" [2:51]


Condemned was indeed our first transition episode in the Daredevil series. By slowing down the action the viewer is able to regroup and take stock in the fallout from the city-wide explosions. Daredevil continues to take life-threatening punishment and we get an amazing walkie-talkie conversation between two men not entirely excited to reveal their identities. There was also some amazing non-tradition medicine being practiced in the episode too and Daredevil is so talented that he saves a life AND flirts with a woman at the same time. Did we get a Bullseye cameo? We are looking forward to seeing Stick next time with the Daredevil episode "Stick" after we podcast our reactions to the next Marvel Cinematic Universe film, Ant-Man! 




Written By: Joe Pokaski



Written By: Marco Ramirez



Directed By: Guy Ferland



Episode Transcripts:





GonnaGeek host Neil from Legends Podcast returns with his incredible Mighty Marvel Moment segment on this week in Marvel comics.




Lauren had the opportunity to sit in on this year's Houston Comicpalooza's Colbie Smulder's panel so we take some time out to pick out some entertaining clips and share them with you.


NEWS [49:54]




Marvel Television's San Diego Comic Con Schedule Released





The Wasp will be in Ant-Man




How Ant-Man will affect Marvel in years to come



Civil War & Beyond


Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios Find Their 'Spider-Man' Star and Director



Kevin Feige Explains How Marvel Will Be Involved In Sony's Spider-Man Movie



Spider-Man Confirmed For Captain America: Civil War



Chiwetel Ejiofor will be playing Baron Mordo



Awwwwww/Cool Stuff


Father Creates Amazing SpiderDad Short Film To Raise Money For Charity In Memory Of His Son



Gillette Conducts Focus Group Testing On Razors With Avengers-Inspired Technology





Kevin Feige Explains Why Marvel Is Skipping Comic-Con



Spider-Man contract details from Sony hacks



Peggy Carter showrunners writing Captain Marvel comic



Updated movie rights infographic





Miles Morales is Marvel Comics Universe’s main Spider-Man starting this fall



FEEDBACK [81:01]


- Twitter


Op ‏@The_Operator01  Jun 20

Op retweeted Legends S.H.I.E.L.D.

I told @Nightwing_GG ...over and over

Op added,

Legends S.H.I.E.L.D. @LegendsofSHIELD

It's A Whedon Show - It Got Good @AgentsofSHIELD @Marvel @gonnageek
shared from #clammr @clammrapp
http://www.clammr.com/app/clammr/110964 …


Dr. Gnome to you ‏@MrParacletes  Jun 20

@LegendsPodcast @LegendsofSHIELD @LilTooClinical Thought this was interesting. http://epicstream.com/news/Marvel-and-Sonys-Mandatory-Character-Traits-for-Spider-Man-Leaked …


Richard ‏@KodiakGWC  Jun 23

Richard retweeted Marvel Entertainment

@LegendsofSHIELD @StargatePioneer

Richard added,

Marvel Entertainment @Marvel

OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios + Sony Pictures have found our #SpiderMan star + director! Details: http://bit.ly/1Gmsoiv

Richard ‏@KodiakGWC  3h3 hours ago


Kevin Feige Explains How Marvel Will Be Involved In Sony's Spider-Man Movie http://comicbook.com/2015/06/24/kevin-feige-explains-how-marvel-will-be-involved-in-sonys-spider/ …  @LegendsofSHIELD



- Email


Andreas Kuehn

Episode 6:


I suspected that Vladimir and Matt would become close friends. That exactly Claire picked up the elder woman was of course TV logic. "and it will hurt like a son of a bitch, so bonus." I chuckled at that line from Claire.

Really, "don't be an Idiot!" Foggy! He could barely get out of the hospital and he wants to look for Matt.

That phone call between Kingpin and Matt was one of the most chilling conversations ever on TV. The music also helped it.

So this is how they wanted to deal with Blake. Shoot him and blame it on Matt.

Half of the season and still no Stick


Outro [82:45]


Haley, Lauren and Stargate Pioneer love to hear back from you about your top 5 Marvel character lists, your science of Marvel questions, why Wing is wrong at any time, who would you pick in an all-female Avenger team, or who’s Marvel abs you would like to see. Call the voicemail line at 1-844-THE-BUS1 or 844-843-2871.


Join Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. next time as the hosts discuss the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe film installment, "Ant-Man." You can listen in live when we record Wednesday nights at 8:00 PM Central time at GonnaGeek.com/live. Contact Info: Please see www.legendsofshield.com for all of our contact information or call our voicemail line at 1-844-THE-BUS1 or 844-843-2871


Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Is a Proud Member Of The Gonna Geek Network (gonnageek.com).


This podcast was recorded on Wednesday June 24th, 2015.


Standby for your S.H.I.E.L.D. debriefing ---

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