The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Stargate Pioneer, Agent Haley, Agent Lauren and Consultant Michelle discuss the thirteenth Iron Fist episode “Dragon Plays With Fire,” highlight some recent Marvel news and respond to listener feedback. The Agents debrief you on what could have saved this Iron Fist season, the outstanding characters of Claire and Jeri Hogarth, what job they would have in a superhero city, if Claire had an Easter Egg as White Tiger, and why Iron Fist is like The Land Before Time.




Iron Fist “Dragon Plays With Fire” Marvel News Roundup Listener Feedback







Netflix made all 13 episodes of Iron Fist available on Friday March 17th, 2017.


Directed By: Stephen Surjik

52 Directing Credits Beginning in 1985

1 x The Kids In The Hall

Wayne’s World 2  (1993)

1 x The X-Files

2 x Monk

1 x Eureka

1 x No Ordinary Family

6 x Warehouse 13

10 x Burn Notice

1 x Arrow

1 x The Flash

2 x Jessica Jones

3 x Daredevil

7 x Person Of Interest

1 x Designated Survivor

1 x Luke Cage

1 x The Defenders

1 x The Punisher

1 x Iron Fist

ALSO PRODUCER FOR: Intelligence, Warehouse 13, Common Law, Burn Notice, The Romeo Section


Written By: Scott Buck

13 credits since 1991

15 x Coach

1 x Everyone Loves Raymond

7 x Six Feet Under

2 x Rome

18 x Dexter

3 x Iron Fist

1 x Inhumans

ALSO: He’s the “Showrunner” for both Iron Fist and Inhumans, and previously produced The Naked Truth, The Oblongs, nikki, Six Feet Under, Rome and Dexter


Written By: Tamara Becher-Wilkinson (a.k.a. Tamara Becher)

7 credits since 2008 (and a whole host of story editor and script coordinators to include BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER)

1 x Warehouse 13

6 x Covert Affairs

1 x Runaways

2 x Iron Fist

- The Blessing of Many Fractures (2017)

- Dragon Plays with Fire (2017)

ALSO Producer For: Covert Affairs and Iron Fist


Written By: Pat Charles

7 Writers Credits going back to 2000

1 x Sons Of Anarchy

42 x Bones

2 x Resurrection

2 x Iron Fist

- The Mistress of All Agonies (2017)

- Dragon Plays with Fire (2017)

ALSO Producers for: Bones, Resurrection, Iron Fist




Meaning of “Dragon Plays With Fire”


Cold Opening: Harold goes to work

Harold suits up DEA searches for Danny Rand


Ward speaks with J Money (Jerry Hogarth)


Harold Speaks With Ward

Safe in the wall Gene therapy saves Harold Harold’s been messing with Danny for a long time


Danny’s Back In The Park

Colleen meets him Picture in the paper Need to contact Jerry Hogarth


Claire and Jerry Hogarth

“J-Money” The Hand’s Tablet files are changed 3 Options Xanadu Turn yourself in, fight in court Prove your innocence Bakuto also has the files


The Hand’s Compound

Gao is there Gao never lied to Danny? Danny is guilty of the death of his parents Gao did not kill Danny’s parents Gao says Harold killed the Rands


Danny is betrayed by Harold


Ward with Joy in the hospital


Ward meets with Danny

Tablet in the Rand safe


This was never Danny’s original quest


Joy and Harold

Noodle place on 6th street Spy on me? Frame Danny?


Harold hits Ward with a gold club


Claire lights up the distraction


Top Floor Fight

Danny Rand goes to the top floor Colleen walks in the back door Green Arrow Star City window breakage Iron Fist floor explosion


Ward gets the tablet


Harold shoots Danny


Danny and Harold roof top fight

Iron Fist saves Danny Colleen shoot (and kills?) Harold




Claire calls Colleen and Danny out


Danny wants to leave with Colleen


Joy and Davos have tea


The pass was attacked by The Hand


K’un Lun is gone




Finn Jones - as - Danny Rand / Iron Fist (The Sarah Janes Adventures, Game Of Thrones)

A billionaire Buddhist monk and martial artist proficient in kung-fu, with the ability to call upon the mystical power of the Iron Fist. Jones described the character as "someone struggling to find his identity", and identified with the character's loneliness being an orphan like Rand. He noted that "Danny gets really stressed and really pissed off sometimes, and I understand that ... [his] optimism and where that comes from."In preparation for the role, Jones studied kung fu, wushu, and tai chi, along with weight training, Buddhist philosophy, and meditation. Toby Nichols portrays a young Danny Rand.


Jessica Henwick - as - Colleen Wing (Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Game of Thrones)

A martial artist ally of Rand who runs her own martial arts dojo called Chikara Dojo in New York City. Henwick felt the most defining word for Wing was "alone", saying, "She doesn't want to be anyone's love interest and open herself up in that way." Henwick also tried "to pull out that sort of very dry humor that [Wing] has, and that no bullshit New Yorker demeanor" from the comics version in her portrayal.


Tom Pelphrey - as - Ward Meachum (Guiding Light, As the World Turns, Banshee)

The son of Harold and childhood acquaintance of Rand, whose work building up Rand Enterprises with his sister Joy is threatened to be undone with Rand's return. Ward is a character from the comics, though Pelphrey noted "we’re not necessarily beholden to representing him [in the series] exactly as he appears in the comic book." Stroup said that Ward would experience some "male angst" on Rand's return, because "Ward would have been the one who picked on [Rand] when he was little so as pure and innocent and great as Iron Fist is, he comes in and he causes some problems" there. Ilan Eskenazi portrays a teenage Ward Meachum.


Jessica Stroup - as - Joy Meachum (90210, The Following, Jack Reacher: Never Go Back)

The daughter of Harold and childhood acquaintance of Rand, whose work building up Rand Enterprises with her brother Ward is threatened to be undone with Rand's return. Stroup said that Joy "absolutely loves" Rand, and his return to New York is "like this rebirth of what she once was, and she gets to ask these questions about herself because he’s posing them to her." Stroup said that Joy would initially be unsure whether Rand is who he says he is. Aimee Laurence portrays a young Joy Meachum.


Ramón Rodríguez - as - Bakuto (The Wire, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Charlie's Angels TV Series, Need for Speed)

A leader of a faction of The Hand and Colleen Wing's sensei.


Sacha Dhawan - as - Davos (After Earth, An Adventure in Space and Time, Sherlock)

A skilled martial artist who is the son of Lei Kung and Rand's former best friend in K'un-Lun, who grew envious when Rand became the Iron Fist. Although Dhawan first appeared in the ninth episode of the first season, Dhawan noted that the majority of Davos' storyline was intended to be explored in a potential second season.


Rosario Dawson  - as - Claire Temple (Josie and the Pussycats, Men in Black II, The Adventures of Pluto Nash, Sin City, Rent, Clerks II, Robot Chicken, Gemini Division, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, The Defenders)

A former nurse from Hell's Kitchen who joins Wing's dojo. Dawson reprises her role from previous Marvel Netflix series.


David Wenham  - as - Harold Meachum (Moulin Rouge!, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, After the Deluge, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Van Helsing, 300, 300: Rise of an Empire, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales)

A ruthless corporate leader and co-founder of Rand Enterprises who was partners with Rand’s parents at the time of their deaths. Regarding Harold's relationship with his children, Joy and Ward, Wenham said the dynamic between the three of them "is complex, to say the least. It’s multilayered, it’s multidimensional, it’s surprising and it’s forever changing, depending on the circumstances."




David Furr as Wendell Rand (Bit part actor in a ton. Noted for appearances in 13 Hours, TURN: Washington's Spies)

Danny's father and co-founder of Rand Enterprises.


Barrett Doss as Megan

A secretary to Danny Rand and the Meachums at Rand Enterprises.


Alex Wyse as Kyle

Harold Meachum's personal assistant.


Marquis Rodriguez as Darryl

A student at Wing's dojo. Rodriguez reprises his role from Luke Cage.


Wai Ching Ho as Gao

An accomplished woman and former ally of Wilson Fisk with her own heroin trade in Hell's Kitchen who has connections with The Hand. Ho reprises her role from Daredevil.


Ramon Fernandez as Kevin Singleton

Harold Meachum's loyal bodyguard.


Clifton Davis as Lawrence Wilkins

A member of the Rand Enterprises board of directors.


John Sanders as Donald Hooper

 A member of the Rand Enterprises board of directors.


Elise Santora as Maria Rodriguez

 A member of the Rand Enterprises board of directors.


NEWS [51:20]




August 28, 2017

Jack “King” Kirby’s 100th Birthday




ABC Braces for Deep Impact With ‘Idol,’ ‘Inhuman’ Challenges

“Inhumans” has not been the only source of friction between ABC and Marvel. Earlier this year, the mandate came down from Disney for ABC to renew its other Marvel drama, “Agents of SHIELD,” despite the desire by some at the network to end the series after four seasons. Having aired on Tuesdays since its inception, “SHIELD” is shifting to Friday nights this season when “Inhumans” finishes its initial eight-episode run.




Punisher Release Date? October 13




Thor: Ragnarok’s Chinese Trailer Unleashes New Footage


Thor: Ragnarok behind the scenes




Watch first 6 min of The Gifted


Marvel bringing ANOTHER character back from the dead


FEEDBACK [64:13]



Johnny ~R‏ @BornToEatBacon



@LegendsofSHIELD Remember when I won that Deadpool crate from you?

Look what you started...


7:34 PM - 18 Sep 2017

Ferris‏ @dxferris



Every time I read the word "Inhumans" or read about them, it's 1 more vote to make me never catch up on this era of Marvel. @LegendsofSHIELD

6:45 AM - 17 Sep 2017


Picked up this fellow #ChronicPainWarrior at the church bazaar today! He will be buddies w/ my Star-Lord mug. @LegendsofSHIELD #drstrange

Christy‏ @adanagirl




11:18 AM - 23 Sep 2017


@LegendsofSHIELD Impending Infinity War trailer?

1:31 PM - 28 Sep 2017

Dr. Gnome to you‏ @MrParacletes



@LegendsofSHIELD Sounds like Disney may be why we got a fifth season. …

7:29 PM - 27 Sep 2017

Dr. Gnome to you‏ @MrParacletes



I wouldn't be surprised if this is Photoshoped, but I will refer to him as Frank Cats-le and so should you. @LegendsofSHIELD


6:49 PM - 25 Sep 2017


OUTRO [65:47]


Haley, Lauren and Stargate Pioneer love to hear back from you about your top 5 Marvel character lists, your science of Marvel questions, who would you pick in an all-female Avenger team, or who’s Marvel abs you would like to see. Call the voicemail line at 1-844-THE-BUS1 or 844-843-2871.


Join Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. next time as the hosts discuss The Inhumans premiere episodes “Behold The Inhumans” and “Those Who Would Destroy Us” on Sunday October 1st, 2017. You can listen in live when we record Sunday Afternoons at 1:00 PM Eastern time or Thursday Evenings at 9:00 PM ET at (Also streamed live on Contact Info: Please see for all of our contact information or call our voicemail line at 1-844-THE-BUS1 or 844-843-2871


Don’t forget to go check out our spin-off podcast, Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D..: Longbox Edition for your weekly Marvel comic book release run-down with segments by Black Adam on S.H.I.E.L.D. comics, Lauren on Mutant Comics and Anthony with his Spider-Man web down. Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Longbox Edition is also available on the podcast network.


Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Is a Proud Member Of The GonnaGeek Network (


This podcast was recorded on Thursday September 28th, 2017.


Standby for your S.H.I.E.L.D. debriefing ---


Audio and Video Production by Stargate Pioneer of

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