WAY HEY and Up She Rises! WAY HEY and Up She Rises! WAY HEY and Up She Rises! ERRRR-LIE in the MOR-NING!! Our gang wakes up the closest to crack of dawn that they have and gets ready to set sail on the wide open seas. There are just a couple hiccups before they get to their salty voyage. First, Petros’ presence has been requested in a secret wing of the library, then Hugo must go retrieve a honey mooning and forgetful Chalva and lastly…. wait somebody seems to be missing from our crew of adventurers!

Enter the world of Laía, a continent torn in half by a dark abyss filled with monsters. When the darkness begins to spill out of the gash in the earth, our heroes are tasked with maintaining the balance that holds this fractured world together. Legends of Laia is a Dungeons and Dragons podcast produced by Infinity Break.

Dungeon Master Nikki Boylan Players Ben Hamlin, Johnny Rinaldo, Andrew Eakle, Matty Trumbo-Gomes Logo by Andy Wilson and Music by Johnny Rinaldo Edited by Johnny Rinaldo and Produced by Ben Hamlin & Nikki Boylan Take a look at our website at www.infinitybreak.net

Also find us on the following social media platforms: Twitter: @infinitybreak23 Facebook: facebook.com/infinitybreak23 Instagram: @infinitybreak23 Patreon: patreon.com/infinitybreak