We are catching up on the latest Legends "tea" after being off for spring break! Star Wars Archives is now releasing on a tighter timeline, bringing you non-patrons up to speed much sooner than 3 months out! The week of April 2-8, they are releasing an episode a day, so don't miss it! April will also have a #YoutiniCosplay Showcase event, so share your looks in our Discord cosplay channel or on social media with the hashtag #YoutiniCosplay so we can celebrate you!

This episode we will be celebrating Jared's return from Naboo, Rick's first Youtini Youtube video (Rickommended viewing order), and the latest Essential Legends Collection releases! As well as everyone's favorite: Thracken's Thrift Store! Share your favorite recent purchase in the comments!

▶Masters and Apprentices: A Reading Collection | https://tinyurl.com/2766uu54

▶Best Books & Comics to Read After Watching Obi-Wan Kenobi | https://tinyurl.com/yc4ykjtn

▶The Youtini Book Review System | https://tinyurl.com/2p857edd

▶New Book & Comic Releases on Youtini.com | https://tinyurl.com/4bnhp8du

▶Complete Star Wars Timeline | https://tinyurl.com/yznkb8w7


▶ WEBSITE https://www.youtini.com

▶ DISCORD https://www.youtini.com/discord

▶ TWITTER https://twitter.com/youtini_us

▶ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/youtini_us/?hl=en

▶ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/youtini



We are catching up on the latest Legends "tea" after being off for spring break! Star Wars Archives is now releasing on a tighter timeline, bringing you non-patrons up to speed much sooner than 3 months out! The week of April 2-8, they are releasing an episode a day, so don't miss it! April will also have a #YoutiniCosplay Showcase event, so share your looks in our Discord cosplay channel or on social media with the hashtag #YoutiniCosplay so we can celebrate you!

This episode we will be celebrating Jared's return from Naboo, Rick's first Youtini Youtube video (Rickommended viewing order), and the latest Essential Legends Collection releases! As well as everyone's favorite: Thracken's Thrift Store! Share your favorite recent purchase in the comments!

▶Masters and Apprentices: A Reading Collection | https://tinyurl.com/2766uu54

▶Best Books & Comics to Read After Watching Obi-Wan Kenobi | https://tinyurl.com/yc4ykjtn

▶The Youtini Book Review System | https://tinyurl.com/2p857edd

▶New Book & Comic Releases on Youtini.com | https://tinyurl.com/4bnhp8du

▶Complete Star Wars Timeline | https://tinyurl.com/yznkb8w7


▶ WEBSITE https://www.youtini.com

▶ DISCORD https://www.youtini.com/discord

▶ TWITTER https://twitter.com/youtini_us

▶ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/youtini_us/?hl=en

▶ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/youtini


▶ WEEKLY CONTENT ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/youtini

▶ YOUTINI MERCH: https://www.youtini.com/merch


▶ Get A FREE Star Wars Audiobook: https://www.youtini.com/audible

▶ Best Canon Book To Read First: https://www.youtini.com/book/lost-stars

▶ Best Legends Books To Read: https://www.youtini.com/guide/best-star-wars-legends-books

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